Food Glorious Food

Psalm 23:5 “…my cup runneth over.”

While working on beaming thoughts this week, it came to me that I can not leave out a category on exercise, health, food, and recipies. After all, God writes about these topics. God fed the priests, the Israelites, the five thousand, and there seems to be numberless accounts of God feeding and caring for man in his Word. We also know he wants us to serve him and we can not do that if we are not fairly healthy. Yes, old age and health issues arise and limit our service at times. Currently, as I write this, my husband is recovering from spinal fusion surgery. However, the Lord wants us to take care of our bodies so we can better serve him. At the end of the Bible, God even references a supper. Not a tea or snack, not a breakfast or lunch, but a supper. Our minds can not imagine the glorious food that will be at this marriage supper of the Lamb. I beleived we will eat until we are stuffed; because that is how God fed man in the Bible. He gave them food to the full and many times there were even left-overs. Revelation 19:9 “…Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb…” Matthew 14:20 “And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.”

I also believe God has a sense of humor and expresses that in his Word bountiful times. Laughter is always in my soul when I read this verse. I Timothy 4:8 “For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” Being so busy in life, I am glad God has told us “exercise profiteth little.” In other words, he wants us to exercise some and take care of our bodies so we can serve him; but, he does not want our whole focus in life on exercise and winning a gold medal. For us to wake up and get going each day, he wants us to have faith in him. Faith in him is important in every area of our lives. If we think we have something under control, then we do not see our need for the Lord. So, we should not get overly confident in ourselves about anything, especially our health, because it is God who gives us our next breath. We can not do any special exercise or diet that can guarantee our next breath. Whatever our service is for the Lord, eat and exercise the best we can and leave it in the Lord’s hand to keep us going.

Kimberly Howell

I was born in 1967 and I have been living in sunny Whakatane, New Zealand since Christmas 2010. My husband pastors a church and it has been a delight living in New Zealand. We both are originally from Maryland, USA. I have been amazed at the beautiful landscapes and stunning wildlife, especially the birds in New Zealand. Many of the native birds visit our modest yard on a daily basis. I was blessed at one time to have several aviaries with finches. In 2021, I had surgery to remove my appendix which was filled with cancer and then breast cancer surgery and radiation. It was an interesting year. Prior to my surgeries, my husband had two back surgeries. I'm glad God knows best even if I do not understand all he is doing. In 2022, for 6 months, I traveled to the US to put my youngest daughter into college in Arizona. People I met, during this trip, spiritually lifted me up in ways they will never understand. I'm glad God is in control of everything. Resting, gardening, and reading my Bible are cherished pastimes. It gets my mind off everything. We all need those places we can go and get our minds off everything. A place that is encouraging and comforting and at the same time give a little pricking of the heart to keep us trying our best to serve the Lord. I hope this Blog will be such a place for you. A place to find encouragement and comfort along with a few smiles.

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