Meet Gail Alford

Gail met her husband, Danny Alford, in Bible college and has been married for 48 years. For most of their marriage, they have been in full time Christian service, including serving as missionaries in the Netherlands, England, and the former Dutch colony of Aruba.  Due to health issues, they have recently “retired” from the ministry but still have a desire to serve the Lord in whatever capacity God provides.
The Alfords have one son, 5 grandchildren, and a spoiled “Pound Puppy” that turned out to be a French Bishon Frisse she named “Monet”, after her favorite French painter!  When not thinking about her “grans” Gail is thinking about international traveling!  Her favorite city is Paris and because many of her guests who came to visit their home when they lived just outside of Amsterdam, she has had the opportunity to host some of them on an extended excursion to Paris.
Gail’s life verse is Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord alway; and again I say, Rejoice.”    When asked what her favorite hymn is, she can only reply, “all of them!”.  She enjoys writing and has written a novel (now out of print), loosely based on their work while living in the Netherlands.

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