Recognizing Evil Spirits 

I love October weather but always dread this month as well because of the demonic influence in the area of decorations. It seems that every year, decorations become more brazen and evil-looking! One cannot even walk into a doctor’s office, a hair salon, or any other business without being bombarded with this satanic cloud!  Many countries have adopted this Celtic and European ancient holiday!

As people begin embracing this season of ghosts and goblins, my mind was drawn to an experience that I had after hearing an illustration my pastor shared.

While on their way to Montana to preach a revival, his family stopped at a roadside tourist trap. It was fun and didn’t take long. As they were about to leave, he spotted a business across the road that was (supposedly) a Bible bookstore. It even boasted of being a “KJV” (King James Version) Bible bookstore. The store front also indicated a Bible Museum was inside. He thought this would be interesting so he and a couple of his teenage boys made their way across the road to check it out.

After stepping inside for just a few feet, something did not feel right!  It was an uncomfortable, odd feeling that our pastor had never experienced. It was as if he were in the presence of satan, himself. Quickly, he told his boys they were leaving. Once outside, and with no explanation or prompting from their father, one of the boys commented how he had an eerie feeling inside and asked why that would be. The other son concurred that he felt the same way! Our pastor did not investigate this business or pursue what was going on but he just knew that something was not right or where God wanted him or his family to be.

I had a similar experience several years ago. My husband and I stopped at a McDonalds for coffee to kill some time. The order was off and things did not seem “kosher” for some reason. I just had an odd feeling in there but, after all, it was just a McDonalds! What could be wrong?

Several months later, we stopped at this same restaurant for a quick lunch. Again, the order was wrong but I began noticing something else. Nearly all of the employees, even the manager, all seemed to have a druid type look in their appearance. You know, the jet black hair, piercings, wicked tattoos, deep colored lipstick and lifeless makeup, etc. It really gave me an uneasy feeling.

Then, during the course of the meal, I needed to visit the “little girls’ room”. In most any chain-store-type restroom, the decor is pretty much standard, whether high-end or more moderate. This one was none of that! Deep, dark mood colors of blood-red and black dominated the room!  decor on the sink and walls were not typical or inviting.

That was the last straw!  I got out immediately and hurried back to our table. I asked my husband if he could gather our stuff and get out quickly. (He thought I was ill!). Once we were back to our car, I explained how I felt very uneasy in that restaurant and the satanic influence it seemed to portray. He admitted he noticed that something was off but hadn’t quite put his finger on it. As we continued to talk, we agreed that, for whatever reason, that restaurant was overpowered by the presence of evil spirits. We never went back.

Why is all of this significant? The Bible tells us that we are to try the spirits because of false prophets. In this case, I wondered if this restaurant was really a “front” for something evil!

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  I John 4:1

If we are students of the Word, we will recognize what is right and wrong. The Holy Spirit gives us discernment. The devil has many strongholds in this world and would like to capture Christians in his deceptive net.

Abstain from all appearance of evil.  I Thessalonians 5:22

Maybe everything was on the upside and legitimate at this establishment but the voice of God wanted us out of there! I often wondered what would have happened if we had not obeyed the voice of God and remained. Perhaps we or our car would have been robbed. Perhaps there would have been a confrontation with another customer or an employee. Perhaps, maybe nothing at all! We will never know! What I do know is that God put an urgency in my soul to get out of there.

And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, and in obeying the voice of the LORD?  Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.  I Samuel 15:22

The lesson I took away from this is to be mindful of God leading us. Regardless of the circumstance, whether something seems innocent or not, we need to obey God. Some tests may merely be for a “drill” to prepare us. Other tests may be for our own good or safety. (How often I remember fire and tornado drills in school yet, I never went through a real fire or tornado at school!).

The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. Proverbs 21:31.

Often, we want to do things our own way. In our finite minds, we have everything planned and it all works out. A little phrase I learned many years ago is,

 “When in doubt, DON’T!”

In other words, if God, through His Holy Spirit or His written word, casts doubt on something we want to do, rather than question it or come up with a list of reasons why it is okay, we need to put the brakes on and follow His leading. It may not necessarily be a spiritual issue but God wants the pre-eminence in every part of our lives. Can we obey Him in everything?

If ye love me, keep my commandments.  John 14:15

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.  I John 4:4

Gail Alford

*DISCLAIMER: Some words were purposely not capitalized so as not to give undue credit to such words.



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