This is My Father’s World

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.  Ephesians 5:19

Are there times when you pray and you wonder if God is listening or even if He is near you?  As a born-again Christian, we know that God indwells within us so He is always present.  In our earthly state, it doesn’t always seem like it, though.  I committed to praying for a family for the length of time that they were in a very important counseling session.   As I began, I just didn’t know if God would be answering my prayers–at least in the way I was praying for!

I had just begun this appointment of prayer when I realized I had a song repeating in my mind as I prayed.  I didn’t think much about it at first but then it dawned on me, –that was God!!!!  God was right there in that room as I sought Him!  The song I found myself humming was “This Is My Father’s World”.  I like that song but don’t really know the words well.  In fact, I was humming, “This is my Father’s house!”

After my prayer session was over, I pulled out a song book that we owned to check the lyrics.  There were not any stanzas that specifically addressed what I was praying about but still, I couldn’t shake the knowledge that I felt comforted from God’s presence with me.

Then the light bulb flashed!  The title!  Yes!  The title! This is my Father’s World!!!!!  He is in control of everything!  My prayer was very important to me as it affected the lives of this family we know.  That season of prayer occupied such a tiny portion of our world when you compare it to our Almighty God who oversees all of it!  Yes, He was audibly reassuring me that He was there, right beside me as I prayed!  I am part of this world.  The family I was praying for is part of this world.  God cares about every one of us in this world!

I couldn’t help rejoicing how that God made His presence known to me through music!  Music (I might add, the right kind of music!!!) is a very important part of worship.  David worshipped God with music.  It was his comfort as well as a calming agent  for the King.  The next time you get a hymn on your mind, stop and praise God for His presence!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.  Colossians 3:16


2 thoughts on “This is My Father’s World

  1. It is so important to listen to good, Godly music. Many times a week, I have hymn tunes and words pop into my mind. It really helps to keep my focus on the “right stuff” in life. I wake up often and find myself humming a hymn. The hymn you mentioned is one of my favorites and we sang it this past Sunday in church. Here is the first verse.
    This is my Father’s world
    And to my listening ears
    All nature sings and round me rings
    The music of the spheres
    I feel sorry for people who fill their minds with bad music. They miss out on such a blessing of comfort from hymns.

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