Flowing in the Right Direction

 Ephesians 5:26 “That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.”

I hope this won’t be too graphic here as I share a Bible principle that I gleaned from a recent lab test result.  For years, I have had a problem with microscopic hematuria but it wasn’t diagnosed until about five years ago.  It was just something I lived with, thinking it was a normal thing!  Recently, after a lab test, I received a call from my doctor stating that I had no trace of hematuria!  Praise the Lord!

The report was certainly welcomed but I wondered why, after all this time, it suddenly disappeared.  Possibly, kidney stones had contributed to it and my last CT scan did indicate that I had another stone forming.  Nothing had really changed recently except one small detail!  Because of another issue that put me in the emergency room, I began, conscientiously drinking a LOT of water!  I felt like my whole life was revolving around those bottles and getting my quota down! (Why is it easier to drink expensive, store-bought, bottled  water?  Okay, I digress!)

I shared my praise with friends and one friend made a wonderful analogy!  She said to me, Natural water to our body is just like living water to our soul, it keeps us flowing in the right direction.

I began pondering this thought ever since!  There was so much Biblical truth in that small statement!  I am convinced that this physical healing came from following God’s way of water flowing through my body that may have worn down and even dissolved the kidney stone, allowing it to pass through with no pain and healing  my “innards” along the way!  Things were moving as they should and health was found!

But, what about that Living water?  The less we swallow of God’s word, the more abrasive-like obstacles tend to get in our path.  Often, we think we can handle it or just assume that that is the way life is and there is nothing we can do about it.  At some point, it has to be dealt with and maybe even in a harsh way.

I had been putting off having a kidney biopsy that the doctor had requested last year since nothing had shown to be conclusive of why I had hematuria. Spiritually, I sure enough don’t wish for God to perform a spiritual biopsy on my soul!  As one born into sin, I know it would render more than I would want to see!

Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? “

On the other hand, when we partake of God’s Living water, things happen!  

II Corinthians 7:1 “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”

I John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

If you were to observe a shallow river, you are likely to notice that the water rippling over those “river rocks” causes them to become smooth and clean.  God’s Word does the same with us.  His word ripples across our heart and soul, exposing the abrasive sins in our lives.  While we have nothing good of ourselves and are as filthy rags, He cleanses us and pares down the rough edges.

Should a drought come and the water dry up, weeds and brambles would begin growing in that river bed.  Garbage would litter it and it would not be useful.  The water must flow in order to be productive.  And, I might add, it can only flow in one direction-the direction of least resistance!  Spiritually, drinking from God’s word keeps us flowing in the right direction, too!

John 15:3 “Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” 



3 thoughts on “Flowing in the Right Direction

      1. I really enjoyed this devotional. Maybe it is my age of over 50 and health issues, but it was really nice about water washing out our physical body and we also need the Living Water to wash out our sins. Keep writing.

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