“All is Vanity” – Diamond Rings and Bling II

Eccl 1:2  “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.”

Last month, I shared with all of you my plans for our Ladies Fellowship meeting that I had planned for this month, “Diamond Rings and Bling”.  I wanted to give an update here but also share how God taught me more!  If you missed this guest blog post or just forgot about it, please go back in the archives to retrieve it.

Our numbers were small.  Several were in quarantine because of Covid, a few others were “under-the-weather”.  I was struggling with a back issue and (at the time, an undiagnosed yet), UTI.  Our pianist had broken her wrist so had not been playing.  Her daughter who had been helping in church was one who was now in quarantine!  The lady who was going to lead us in a group song and sing a special had an Asthma attack earlier in the week and could not sing at all!  The air conditioner wasn’t working when we arrived.  It seemed like the devil was really fighting this meeting.  I confess that I did have thoughts of postponing it!  The best pre-meeting blessing was that it was an absolutely beautiful day here in Tennessee!

I really think that the Lord blessed in spite of everything!  More did show up than I had anticipated and there was a good spirit.  We had a sign-up list for the menu but hardly anyone signed up.  (Which was unusual!).  I began panicking that there wouldn’t be enough food so, on the spur of the moment, I gave my husband verbal instructions on mixing up some salmon croquettes while I got dressed and then finished shaping and cooking them once I arrived early at the church.  As it turned out, several brought entrees who had not signed up and we actually had way too much food!  (🎵”Why worry, when you can pray”🎵). I should have been trusting God more!

For those of you who are a pastor’s wife or who devote most of your time to church ministries, have you ever felt this way or experienced similar potential disasters?  I think we all have!  I knew God planned this all out and for us to cancel would have given the devil the victory.  The problem comes when we try to carry it all on our own shoulders rather than trusting God.  The burden can cause some to become physically ill while others end up with a bad attitude.  Do you have weapons to fight this?  My weapon was knowing, (many times from experience!), that the more the devil fights, the more God is working and I wanted to be a part of those blessings!  I wasn’t sure who’s heart He was going to bless or comfort but, HE knew!

I had been studying my lesson all week and thought I was ready to deliver it but God had more!  It was one of those “Duh” moments when I woke up that morning!  One of the most obvious verses relating to the lesson didn’t occur to me until I began stirring around–Ecclesiastes 1:2!

Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

“Bling” is nothing more than vanity!  My devotional began with talking about diamonds.  Other than being a symbol of love, the size of the diamond is really more shallow.  Does a larger diamond ring mean that a husband loves his wife more than a man who’s meager wages will only allow him to buy a fragment of that size?   Of course not!  But, many equate the size of the diamond on a scale of success!  It becomes a trinket to flaunt.

My husband and I got married while in Bible College.  He certainly did not have much money and along with his full time college load, he was also working full time in a feed mill to pay his tuition.  He let me pick out the style of ring I wanted which was just a simple solitaire but, his budget only allowed for a 1/5 carat diamond.  It didn’t matter to me.  His love was worth much more than any size of diamond.

My next point was about the “blingy” things in life being a distraction.  I think this is what Solomon was trying to convey in Ecclesiastes, chapter one.  Whether we are working from sun up to sun down to provide everything to make life easy or trying to accumulate wealth for the purpose of being liked or to assure our own egos that we “have enough”, it is all vanity!

I understand that, when someone or a couple who is starting off in life, there are necessities for setting up a home; furniture, appliances, linens and kitchenware.  It all takes money!  Let’s be careful that we buy what is necessary and not fall into a trap of impressing others with huge credit card debt.  There is no shame in starting off small, even low quality, until items can be replaced slowly with items of higher quality.  To buy something we can’t afford or something that will only impress others is vanity.  Let’s keep our eyes focused on God’ provisions and not the “Bling”!

So often, it is the “bling” that gets people in debt or moves their attention from what is most important.  Our nature is to impress others and that is often done through surrounding ourselves with the things that make us feel important or the perception others have of us.  God wants our attention and focus on him!  He wants to supply our needs but if we go off on a buying tangent, we block Him from the blessings He would have given us, if we had only waited on Him!

We don’t need “things” to truly validate our worth–at least not our worth to God!  God loves every, single, one of us!  But, do we validate God?!!!  Is God just another “thing” in your life so you have “all of your ducks in a row”?  I am not against people having nice things.  But, sometimes nice things have people!  We no longer depend on God.

Is your house too nice to risk inviting a Sunday School class over who might spill something on your sofa or your car too nice to pick up dirty kids for church that might leave chocolate candy to melt between the seats?  (‘Been there!). Of course, take precautions!   While living on Aruba, I kept the backs of my sofa and chairs covered with decorative throw blankets.  It is hot, hot, hot there and the most careful person is going to sweat.  Years of accumulated, sweaty shirts would eventually leave an odor on the fabrics so, yes, I was careful but it did not keep me from opening my home to others.  While I have probably made bigger messes, I don’t allow kids to have food and drink in my car or on my furniture.  It is simply taking care and being a good steward of what God has given me.  What I do, though, is provide a safe place for snacks and drinks to be enjoyed.

I think this all comes down to Colossians 3:2.  “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”   If we are more concerned about what we have rather than our concern for people–for souls, our affection is misplaced.

We had a fun meeting and I hope each lady went home, realizing her worth to God.  Our value on earth might be minuscule but we are connected to the eternal ring and will be Jesus’ bride in heaven!  Aren’t you thankful that He saw your worth, was willing to die for your sins, and invited you to HIS house?

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