A Treasure Beyond Measure

Old things and monetary worthless things – “Do they have value?” It seems to be they have value to the one who owns the things. I love memories and many things in my house are not things of much monetary value but things that have memorial value (if such a phrase exists) to me because the things remind me of a wonderful memory in years past. The things sitting around my house are memorials of wonderful times and events that happened in my life.

For example:

  1. I have a small pile of raw, amethyst rocks. They have no monetary value, but to me I see these rocks and my mind instantly goes back to a family vacation in Canada and visited an amethyst mine and picked up worthless rocks (to the mine). When I see these rocks on my shelf, I remember our girls having a great time finding these purple rocks. These rocks on my shelf give me a lovely memory of my most favorite family vacation.
  2. I also have a nice round, smooth, black, volcanic rock Deborah brought back from a walk to a waterfall in New Zealand. I had no idea she found the rock until we got back to the car and she showed me her treasure from the hike.
  3. Staying on rocks, when we visited the states in 2016, we stood at a fence and looked into the site of a large granite quarry in Mount Airy, North Carolina. Yes, I have a small white rock on a shelf that Deborah picked up by the fence. This rock is also sitting with a toy car that is like the Sheriff’s car on the Andy Griffith show. This little rock and car remind me of another wonderful, family day trip.

I am sure most women have a few things sitting in their houses that are wonderful memories. However though, others may think our trinkets are just worthless ‘junk’ on our shelves.

Basically, value is in the eye of the beholder. What one thinks is valuable, another may think should go in a bag to the thrift store.

Recently, I mended something of great value to me and I pondered how God looked upon his children. Many of us may not see our lives of great value; but in the eyes of our beholder, All Mightly God, we have great value. So, God laid it upon my heart to write the poem below.

My daughter brought to me the vintage, tattered quilt so old.
With holes and tears and fabric wearing thin,
I picked up my thread and needle and the work began.
Patching a hole here and fixing torn threads there.
Making the old quilt so it has value and use once again.

While patching the quilt so old and thin,
Thoughts of who crafted this quilt crossed my mind.
My grandmother young and working so hard,
With a tenderly love, had cut and sewn each piece.
Preserving memories, this quilt in my heart, I highly regard

Some may not think this simple relic is much to see;
An old, tattered quilt, not much value they would assume.
To me, memories with Grandma are a treasure beyond measure.
Who took my childhood clothes and skillfully crafted,
A much-treasured family heirloom, she did lovingly secure.

Briefly, I forget life’s troubles as I gaze upon my quilt;
Comforting thoughts of Grandma race through my mind.
She was young and energetic and me so youthful and carefree.
To me, it truly is an earthly treasure beyond measure.
A world of warming memories, this heirloom wraps around me.

Born into this wicked world so full of sin,
I started my life so childish and happy-go-lucky,
Growing, living, and working hard to be what I wanted to be.
A young adult with life all planned out,
But my Creator had plans unbeknownst to me.

For me, he is invisibly sewing a path here and there.
Especially designed for me is my life in his hands.
If left to myself, a mess everywhere I would have made.
He is stitching my life into a vibrant patchwork to be seen.
In his hands, I have trusted, had faith, and obeyed.

Shambles and holes in my life I make at times,
But my great Creator comes and patches them up.
Like Grandma, He wraps his loving arms around for comfort.
Picks up his thread and mends my broken heart.
What he is stitching, I know not what, but he always takes the effort.

Others may look at my life and not see much,
And most times, I must admit, neither do I.
Thankful for the handcrafting of my loving Creator.
He stitches an exquisite work that no other can imagine.
In the hands of All-Mighty God, a fine thing I will see later.

Soon I shall see the finished, hand-crafted work of my Lord.
My Creator shall wrap me in his glorious creation.
No mending will ever more be needed, I am sure.
An eternity of memories to wrap myself in and cherish.
To my Saviour, I am – an eternal treasure beyond measure.

I am so thankful,  no matter how many holes and tears from sin we get in our lives, God  would never throw his precious children into a thrift store bag and toss us out. If we go to him, he will always forgive and patch us up and make us valuable once again.

Isaiah 64:8 “But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.”

Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous (morally good) woman? for her price is far above rubies.”

Psalm 17:8 “Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,”


Kimberly Howell

I was born in 1967 and I have been living in sunny Whakatane, New Zealand since Christmas 2010. My husband pastors a church and it has been a delight living in New Zealand. We both are originally from Maryland, USA. I have been amazed at the beautiful landscapes and stunning wildlife, especially the birds in New Zealand. Many of the native birds visit our modest yard on a daily basis. I was blessed at one time to have several aviaries with finches. In 2021, I had surgery to remove my appendix which was filled with cancer and then breast cancer surgery and radiation. It was an interesting year. Prior to my surgeries, my husband had two back surgeries. I'm glad God knows best even if I do not understand all he is doing. In 2022, for 6 months, I traveled to the US to put my youngest daughter into college in Arizona. People I met, during this trip, spiritually lifted me up in ways they will never understand. I'm glad God is in control of everything. Resting, gardening, and reading my Bible are cherished pastimes. It gets my mind off everything. We all need those places we can go and get our minds off everything. A place that is encouraging and comforting and at the same time give a little pricking of the heart to keep us trying our best to serve the Lord. I hope this Blog will be such a place for you. A place to find encouragement and comfort along with a few smiles.

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