Cutting Your Losses

II Chronicles 25:1-12

And Amaziah said to the man of God, But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel? And the man of God answered, The Lord is able to give thee much more than this. II Chon 25:9.

This chapter starts off confirming that Amaziah did that which was right in the sight of the Lord!  Amaziah had, in good faith, hired soldiers out of Israel to help him fight a war but then a man of God came to Amaziah and warned him against using these soldiers.  Hmm!  Amaziah was in a pickle!  He had already hired these men!  What would he do with them now?

I would hope that everyone reading this devotional is also seeking to do right in the sight of the Lord.  However, we all make poor decisions at times!  Should we beat ourselves up?  Lament that we have wasted time, money, or materials?  Do we want to just finish the task or, like Amaziah, listen to good counsel?

Years ago, we stepped into a “Pyramid” business and were actually doing quite well!  Some months later, we drove several hours away to be in a regional meeting–it was really more of a pep rally to get people excited and testimonies from others who were making lots of money.  We expected to do well, retire early with a new car and a beautiful house.  We planned to travel and visit missionaries!

We were not expecting what we walked into, however!  Extremely loud, high-energy music played throughout the session!  It was designed to pump people up and it did–except for us!  This was NOT the kind of music we approved of and we just had a sick feeling in the pit of our stomachs!  How could we recruit others into the business and lead them into this ungodly arena?  We had not invested a lot of money but enough to make it hurt!  Still, we knew this was not God’s will for us and left after the morning session.  We had to cut our losses and move on!  God blessed us for this decision in other ways!

Another time, I was motivated to make some items and start working the craft fair circuit!  I worked night and day getting my merchandise made!  It seemed like a sure thing!  Well, our first craft show was after a devastating hurricane.  People just wanted to get out but had no money!

The second show was near the end of the Fall season and brought torrential rains!  Fortunately, the show was able to be moved into a warehouse.  Our assigned booth was in a dark, grungy corner!  It was creepy!  We were able to move to another spot but we were still out of the main traffic pattern.  There had been a substantial investment of time, money, AND materials but, then we learned that many of the Spring shows included Sundays and we took a strong stand against that.

Again, we had made a poor decision and just had to cut our loses.  At the time, we didn’t see God rewarding us in a monetary way but it brought peace to our hearts.  Later on, I was able to share our merchandise with others and be a blessing to them!  The joy it brought to them was much better!

We’ve had other instances of having to cut our losses, whether it was a vehicle purchase, planning a special, group adventure with others backing out,  or, just buying something we found out we didn’t need or couldn’t use!  But, were these really “losses” or would there have been consequences?

Can you just hear Amaziah’s “Minister of War” arguing with him over the damage he was creating by backing out on his commitment?  He could have saved face and used these soldiers to join them in the battle.  Even the man of God said he could do what he wanted BUT….he would also suffer the consequences from his decision.

Freedom and peace of mind can bring much more happiness than things that we are afraid to let go of.  God blessed Amaziah for his decision.  Though we may feel like we are making a big mistake, letting go of something that has us chained, opens the door for God to bless us for our obedience.

Another case in point:  How about that last $20 in your wallet?  Could you let go of it when a special need is announced at your church?  How often have we heard how God has blessed those in this type of situation!  Just last week, a widow woman in our church, who lives on very little, received news that her sister had just passed away in another state.  All I had was a $20 bill with me.  It wasn’t much but I knew she would have lots of expenses, even buying a meal on the way there.  Immediately, God allowed me to sell an un-needed item that I had posted several months ago on our local buy and sell website!  I had forgotten it was even on there and made much more on that item than what I had given this sweet lady!

Are we willing to cut our losses to be in God’s will?  To quit pouring money into a bad deal?  When we look at the full picture, isn’t sacrificing what we have already done or invested in a much better decision.   Never be afraid to cut your losses and move on when God has convicted your heart that it was a poor decision.  If we follow His conviction, He will always give us what is best.

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