
I’ve written out the following verses since I know most of us will be extremely busy this time of year and probably wouldn’t open our Bibles to read this very familiar passage of scripture.

God has laid a thought on my mind that might help us all during this busy time of year.

Luke 10:38-42 “Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. 40 But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. 41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: 42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”

Here is the thought God has given me a few weeks ago. I’ll try to keep it brief.

Since we are all familiar with this passage of scripture, I won’t explain its background. I will focus on its main context though, Martha was “cumbered” about with much work.

We are all “cumbered” about with much work, especially this time of year.

This word “cumbered” is the Greek word perispaomai and it is the only time in the Bible it is used. Hmm. This got my attention.

It means to be drawn away, distracted, distracted with cares, too busy, over-occupied.

Notice in v.41 Jesus never tells Martha not to be trouble about many things. He just says she is “troubled about many things.”

He knows she invited him into her house and that she would be working. Food needed to be cooked, a table needed to be set, and a whole gamete of things had to be accomplished.

He knew she would be working, so he never tells her to stop these things. He just lets her know she has forgotten the one thing that is “needful.” What is the “needful” thing? Time with Jesus. Time with her Lord and Saviour. Time to glean his words of wisdom. Time to enjoy his fellowship while she can.

But could she have done both? Yes!!! I believe she could have. This is how I know and once I explain, I believe all ladies will understand.

I’ll use myself as the example to help readers understand how we can be busy about things around the house but still take time for those things that are “needful.”

When I have guests in our house, whether they are expected or unexpected, I have three choices.

One, continue doing work and completely ignore my guests.

Two, drop everything I’m doing and spend 100% of my time with my guests.

Three, do a combination of number one and number two.

Let me further explain. Unless someone is dropping by for just a brief time of sitting and chatting, there is usually some work to be done. It may be a simple cup of tea and cookies that need preparing, but still work needs to be done to present the tea and cookies. So, if that is the case, I can’t completely ignore some work that needs to be accomplished. However, if only tea and cookies need preparing, then I should only do what is necessary to entertain my guests. I would not choose to prepare dinner for later that day.  If I did, I would not have time to fellowship with my guests.

If my guests are coming for a full meal, usually this is planned ahead of time, but it can be unexpected as well. If it is planned ahead of time, I should have as much prepared ahead of time as possible so I could enjoy fellowship with my guests.

When the guests come, whether expected or unexpected, I have two choices. By the way, I have done both and most of us have if we confess it to one another.

One, guests come, and I stay so cumbered about in the kitchen to make sure everything runs smoothly that I don’t take much time to talk much with my guests. Ah, but everything runs smoothly and when my guests leave, I have a sense of accomplishment because dinner was served on time. All the food was hot, clean up was accomplished, and the house looked great. But I lacked the one thing that was “needful,” I didn’t spend much time fellowshipping with my guests.

Two, guests come, and I stay cumbered about in the kitchen; but I often take time to pause my work and go to my guests. During these times, I enjoy fellowship with my guests. I’m entertaining conversations with my guests and enjoying their fellowship. What probably happens though, and it has, food is late getting onto the table. Clean up may not happen much until after the guests are gone. Not everything runs as smoothly through the food service, but I’ve never had a guest seem bothered by this. They always seem thrilled that I am fellowshipping with them.

Fellowship is really the most important. Martha needed to fellowship with Jesus.

I believe she wanted the meal to be perfect, the table set beautifully, and everything to run smoothly. In the process, she neglected what was “needful.” She should have stopped occasionally and sat and listened to Jesus. I do not think Jesus would have minded if the meal was a bit late or the table wasn’t set like something in a magazine. What he wanted her to do was spend some time with him.

So, this Christmas season, don’t get too wrapped up with making everything go smoothly and looking like something from a magazine. Focus on what is important. Read your Bible. Go to church. Fellowship with friends and family. Maybe take time for lunch with a friend. Yes, still cook, and clean; but don’t fret if it doesn’t all go as smoothly as you’d like. Just enjoy the times you have with your Lord and friends.





Kimberly Howell

I was born in 1967 and I have been living in sunny Whakatane, New Zealand since Christmas 2010. My husband pastors a church and it has been a delight living in New Zealand. We both are originally from Maryland, USA. I have been amazed at the beautiful landscapes and stunning wildlife, especially the birds in New Zealand. Many of the native birds visit our modest yard on a daily basis. I was blessed at one time to have several aviaries with finches. In 2021, I had surgery to remove my appendix which was filled with cancer and then breast cancer surgery and radiation. It was an interesting year. Prior to my surgeries, my husband had two back surgeries. I'm glad God knows best even if I do not understand all he is doing. In 2022, for 6 months, I traveled to the US to put my youngest daughter into college in Arizona. People I met, during this trip, spiritually lifted me up in ways they will never understand. I'm glad God is in control of everything. Resting, gardening, and reading my Bible are cherished pastimes. It gets my mind off everything. We all need those places we can go and get our minds off everything. A place that is encouraging and comforting and at the same time give a little pricking of the heart to keep us trying our best to serve the Lord. I hope this Blog will be such a place for you. A place to find encouragement and comfort along with a few smiles.

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