As we start a new year, the thoughts of “New Year Resolutions” somehow, seem fruitless! Instead, I think most of us are just looking forward to a year of just normalcy! Normalcy over everything that struck us in 2020! This is a time of hope, anticipation, and most of all, faith!
For the world in general, lockdowns, job losses, and dealing with the Covid virus overshadowed everything. For Americans, the political situation was a roller coaster ride with uncertainty for the months ahead. But, will we dwell on the current situations or be confident that God has everything in control?
While commenting on a national news article last month, I was struck with a thought that I would like to share and expound on more. While it is quite lengthy, if you are not fully familiar with Exodus, chapters 7-14, please read through this passage of scripture.
Often, it is difficult to see God working and we may wonder if He even cares or hears the prayers of a righteous remnant of people praying for His intervention. Usually, faith is not practiced unless it HAS to be practiced! When everything is going our way (here in the South, we might say, “when everything is going all hunky-dorey”!) and we see God’s blessings, we don’t think about what He is still doing in preparation for another day to come.
The children of Israel were being oppressed by the Egyptians for many years. Because of their disobedience to God, they were forced to go through slavery by the over-powering Egyptians. Life was hard. I wonder how often they had privately repented from turning their backs on God. I wonder also, out of that nation, how many righteous people who had sought to do right all along were also suffering from the deeds brought on by their race as a whole. Sometimes, the good end up suffering along with the bad.
Finally, the Israelites had a leader to save them! While Moses and Aaron dealt with Pharaoh, there seemed to be more promise of a better future but, instead, Pharaoh dealt more harshly with them. Many plagues fell upon Egypt. Finally, with the climax of Pharaoh’s own son dying, the Israelites were set free. They thought everything was now headed toward a bright future! They were free of the Egyptians! They were headed for the Promised Land! What could go wrong?
As they gathered their possessions and began the caravan to the Promised Land, their hearts were full of joy! They were freed from the heavy hand of the Egyptians! They were free to go where they wanted. All was not as they had imagined, however!
As they approached the Red Sea, news came of the Egyptian army following them. Would they be slaughtered? Would they be forced to return and be under heavier bondage? Their hopes and dreams suddenly collapsed. What happened? Had they not been thanking God for rescuing them earlier? Had they forgotten that God is in the details? Where was their faith now?
Where is your faith right now? Has the past year taken away your enthusiasm or hope? Do you see more of the same in the year ahead? Are you seeing your finances, family, or personal walk with God destroyed? God did not take a vacation once He let the Israelites go and neither is he taking a vacation from us today!
The Israelites had no place to go. Only the forbidding Red Sea was before them. To retreat was certain death. Then God showed them His miracle! He opened and divided the sea and even went a step further to let them pass through on dry ground. Had they chosen to go another way than where God had told them to travel, they would have missed the miracle! God didn’t panic suddenly and think, “Oh no! I need to do something quick!”
They did not know what God had planned but God already had the miracle taking place. He was leading them toward the seashore because that was His plan to rescue them. Once across the sea and safely on the other shore, He released the walls of water and drowned the Egyptian soldiers, never to be bothered by them again!
While the events of this past year have seem oppressive and discouraging, don’t give up hope, my sister! Whether it is financial, physical, spiritual, a family crisis, or whatever it might be, God has been working His miracle! It may seem that we are up against insurmountable obstacles at times but God is not finished! Even at this moment He is working out His plan for you and for me.
It is when our backs are against the sea that God reveals His plans. Had God told the Israelites what He planned to do ahead of time, they would not have exercised their faith nor witnessed the miracle God was creating. They had no place to go but forward!
We used to sing a song with our teenagers that went something like is: “My Lord knows the way through the wilderness. All I have to do is follow. Strength for today is mine all the way and all that I need for tomorrow…”. Trust God that every step in 2021 is ordered by Him. Will you go forward and let Him lead and protect you?
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