
What would others say is your most important possession?

“More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” Psalm 19:10.

This will be short (Okay, short-“ish”!). as I know we all have hectic schedules in December!  I want to share an incident from a Facebook group I subscribe to.  (And, of course, make a spiritual application!)

TRUE Story!!!  A lady living in California was forced to pack up her car and kids last summer for what they thought would be a short trip to grandma’s because of the wild fires nearby.  Her husband stayed behind, (to hopefully), save their house and business.  She gave her 6 year old daughter a bag to go back into the house and gather a few important things that she wanted to take to grandma’s.  (You know, favorite toys, story books, etc.).

It was to be a short trip so the lady just unpacked what was currently needed at her parents’ house.  Unfortunately, the fires spread and her husband stood in a large field with the other townspeople and watched their town, houses, and businesses literally burn to the ground!

It was clear that they would be living with her parents for quite awhile so she finished unpacking the car.  In her daughter’s bag was her Daily Planner Book along with two other books that went hand in hand with it.  The lady had been so diligent to use and refer to her Daily Planner, keeping up on daily housekeeping, etc., that she had made a strong, indelible impression on this young daughter!  The little girl thought of her mother’s Daily Planner being more important than her little toys, dolls, or whatever else!  I can just imagine the tears that streamed down this mother’s cheeks when she peered inside that bag!

I was immediately convicted about what a six-year-old might rush back in to pick up in MY house!  I am so guilty of grabbing a cup of coffee and my IPad in the mornings or getting started on other things!  Would that bag be filled with coffee pods?  My own daily planner book?  My I-Pad?  (Certainly not a cleaning rag or furniture polish, unfortunately!). A few nic-nacs?  Maybe a cooking magazine?   Or, would my Bible be the first item anyone would know that is most important to me?

As we wind out 2021, we will all think of things we wished we had done better.  Is being more diligent studying your Bible one of those regrets?  I confess that it is one of mine!  In 2022, I desire that my walk with the Lord will be so obvious that others will know my Bible is my most important possession!

“My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.  Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.  For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.  Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.  Proverbs 4:20-23.

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